Food For Thought; Rawception’s Top 6 Diet Philosophies, Plus a Recipe for Quick Homemade Hemp Milk

Food For Thought; Rawception’s Top 6 Diet Philosophies, Plus a Recipe for Quick Homemade Hemp Milk

1. Eat the Rainbow        

Is your dinner plate mostly brown? And your energy mostly down? Get the energy you wish with more colors in your dish! yeah, I just wrote that :/ Seriously, eating all the colors of the rainbow is an easy way to know we’re getting a good nutrient balance. The phytonutrients that comprise the color of the food itself, is the most nutritious part of the food. Each color provides a different healing property that the body needs every day. It’s nature’s way of color-coding our food to help us find balance on our plate, as well as in our life.


2. Food is Information

Are all calories created equal? The science of epigenetics clearly shows that all food is information and function for our cells. Each type of calorie behaves very differently inside the body. Why should I choose a 100 calorie organic apple over of a package of 100 calorie Oreo bites? Food is the direct communication that tells our cells how they should behave. The apple tells our cells to have healthy function while the cookies tells our cells to get sick. Food communicates on a cellular level and the body acts in response to the information it receives. 

3. Adding In

Adding good things into our life is always a smart choice. The first step to balancing weight and gaining energy is to add in as many vegetables, fruits, healthy fats, lean proteins, as possible without subtracting anything from your current lifestyle. By adding in naturally low calorie, high fiber, nutrient dense foods, your body will crowd out cravings for unhealthy fats, bad carbs, and processed, sugary foods. Just begin to add in, and let your body do the work for you.  

4. Soul Food

There are two kinds of food. Soul Food is primary to the food that we eat. Soul food is how we nourish ourselves around emotions, exercise, personal relationships, career, creative outlets and mindfulness. Healthy food alone, cannot make us whole, no matter how much broccolli we eat. Soul food is vital to our overall health and happiness. The circle of health is the answer.

5. Mood Food

Organic plant-based, whole food can help lift our spirits by triggering our serotonin and dopamine levels giving us with a sense of happiness. Berries, apples, bananas, beets, artichokes, avocado, almonds, walnuts, lima beans, pumpkin seeds and many more contain natural serotonin stimulants. Processed food contains gmo's, pesticides, insecticides, herbicides and fungicides and can leave us with heavy emotions.  Self care is our responsibility. It's our right. Every conscious choice we make to improve our health makes a difference..  

6. Bio-Individuality

Diet and nutritional needs are very individual and unique just like you and me. In addition, nutritional needs are ever changing throughout different chapters of life. What works for one person, effects the next person differently. Empirical evidence is information acquired by observation and experimentation; it’s our own personal scientific data. Each individual needs to experiment with diet and lifestyle and closely observe how the body and mind reacts. This experiment can lead us become our healthiest self. 

Hemp milk is my mainstay milk because I always have hemp seeds in the fridge and because it's a no-strain milk, it's super quick to make. I add hemp seeds and water to my matcha in the blender and voila, I get a beautiful, milky, foamy, delicious result every time.

Hemp Milk Recipe

Hemp Milk is one of the easiest and quickest non dairy milks to make.

Hemp Milk is one of the easiest and quickest non dairy milks to make.

Hemp seeds are a complete protein - rich in magnesium, phosphorus, iron and zinc. They're also a good source of ALA Omega 3, fatty acids. 

Only 2 little Ingredients, people!

1/2 C raw hemp seeds
1 1/2 C spring water
1/2 tsp. vanilla extract & 1/2 tsp. coconut oil


Blend hemp seeds in a high speed blender, on low speed at first, and then blend on high speed until all seeds are dissolved and the milk is white and foamy. About 60 seconds. No need to strain. (Add optional ingredients of desired) That's it! So easy and quick. 

xx nk