LifestyleJason Curry

You're Grounded

LifestyleJason Curry
You're Grounded

Have you ever noticed how you feel walking on the beach or walking barefoot in the grass? The earth’s energy is a critical part of healing and well being just as the sun’s energy is. When we make contact with the earth’s surface we receive a charge of energy that makes us feel better. This is called grounding or earthing.

I ground myself as often as possible! I kick off my shoes and go outside. Have you ever noticed how you feel walking on the beach or walking barefoot in the grass? The earth’s energy is a critical part of healing and well being just as the sun’s energy is. When we make contact with the earth’s surface we receive a charge of energy that makes us feel better. This is called grounding or earthing. 


Because we live much of our lives inside, and when we do go out, we wear shoes, which prevent us from connecting. We might go months without the earths’ direct contact. So I regularly stand barefoot in the grass, work in my garden, walk on the concrete or at the beach and I feel the shift. That’s because the earth gives off millions of electrons, which instantly combat free radicals and detoxify our bodies to improve our blood flow. It’s one of the simplest and most primitive healing practices and best of all it's simple and free! 

I also own an earthing mat for sleeping, yoga, or to place under my bare feet when I can’t get outside. 

So let’s all go barefoot and keep our feet on the ground.  For more information behind the science of earthing or about earthing products it's worthwhile to take  a minute to  visit