Magical Mushrooms

Magical Mushrooms

Did you know mushrooms have super immunity qualities? Did you know mushrooms contain nutrients with powerful anticancer effects that block viruses and cancer cells from mutating? Did you know mushrooms prevent the production of estrogen/estradiol which accelerates the growth of breast cancer, and guard us from weight gain? 

Yes, mushrooms contain good amounts of micronutrients and have that delicious umami flavor, but the overwhelming benefit of mushrooms is their ability to prevent and reverse cancer, especially breast cancer. According to Dr. Joel Fuhrman, who wrote the books "Eat to Live" and "Super Immunity". "Eating one or two mushrooms per day reduces women's risk of Breast Cancer by 64%, even the ordinary button mushrooms" He recommends these highest antioxidant foods: Greens, Onions, mushrooms, beans, berries and seeds. 

Mushrooms contain aromatase inhibitors which helps us maintain optimal weight, by inhibiting our blood vessels from feeding fat cells, so they cannot grow or multiply. At the same time they inhibit our blood vessels from allowing viruses or cancer cells to mutate. That's magical!

Ultimately we're all responsible for our own health. I say, let's practice preventative medicine and use nutrition as ammunition!

Shiitake, Lion's Mane and Crimini Mushrooms

Shiitake, Lion's Mane and Crimini Mushrooms